Problem-solving courts help the judicial system to respond to the needs of litigants by addressing underlying issues which result in litigants utilizing the court system. Whether using innovative approaches to address social problems, forming community collaborative...
Why It’s Beneficial to Request a Judgment from the Onset When Seeking Monetary Relief By: Mary Ellen Flynn, Esq. 301-563-6685 Email: Time and time again, I hear that people expect to be paid when they receive an order from the Court....
Imagine you have been wronged by a person or business and feel helpless as your calls, letters, and emails go unanswered. You have decided that your only recourse is to turn to the courts and file a lawsuit against that person or business. There’s only one problem:...
By: Mary Ellen Flynn, Esq. 301-563-6685 Email: “Unbundling Legal Services” is the nickname for “Limited Scope Representation”—which is a way that attorneys can be hired in an a la carte way. As of July 1, 2015, Maryland attorneys can be hired by their...
By: Amanda Vann, Esq. 301-563-6685 Email: On Monday, April 13, 2015, the Maryland General Assembly passed new legislation enabling married couples who do not have any children, and whom have reached and signed a settlement agreement, to be granted an...
As most Marylanders know, voters in our state ratified the Civil Marriage Protection Act in 2012. This legalized same-sex marriage in Maryland. In 2013, the Maryland legislature changed the law so that a married couple who does not file a joint or “married filing...