Maryland State Disability Retirement
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Maryland State Disability Retirement

Attorney Peter Casciano recently won Ordinary Disability Retirement benefits after a two-day hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) at the Office of Administrative Hearings.

Peter’s client worked in education as a Guidance Counselor, a job that she loved, but was unable to continue working due to complications related to multiple physical and mental impairments, including rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. The ALJ determined that the client met all the requirements necessary to establish that she was permanently disabled. Specifically the ALJ found her to be incapacitated from further performance of the normal duties of her position. During the two-day hearing, the client provided testimony, as well as two of her medical providers and a vocational expert. The ALJ found the testimony of the client and other witnesses to be more persuasive than the report and testimony of the medical evaluator hired by the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System. The client expressed appreciation for the work of Mr. Casciano and attorney Molly Friedman in preparing for the hearing, and validating her medical condition.

Recently, Attorneys Molly Friedman and Peter Casciano were able to help a local county government employee obtain total and permanent disability benefits on the basis of an injury that occurred at her workplace.

The client suffers the repercussions of an injury sustained over five years ago and is now able to obtain the ongoing benefits that allow her to focus on her health. Ms. Friedman and Mr. Casciano worked to review and analyze the extensive medical records and the benefit system for the local government employee. After continued advocacy, the client was granted the opportunity to present her case at a hearing before a review board. Ms. Friedman and the client worked together to prepare for the hearing. After the hearing, the client said she felt prepared and ready, and supported by Andalman and Flynn’s staff.  A favorable decision was granted within one day!

Attorneys Peter Casciano and Molly Friedman Assisted an Educator to Successfully obtain State of Maryland Ordinary Disability Retirement Benefits on the Claimant’s Initial Application

The claimant suffers from debilitating chronic back pain. Attorneys Casciano and Friedman worked with the claimant to create a strong application that made it clear to the State of Maryland Retirement and Pension System their claimant could not perform the duties of the position.

Andalman & Flynn Helps Claimant Successfully Appeal Her Application for State of Maryland Ordinary Disability Retirement Benefits

Attorneys Elliott Andalman and Michelle Amick Prikhodko represented a claimant on an appeal after her application for State of Maryland Ordinary Disability Retirement benefits was initially denied. The claimant suffered from myofascial pain, sacroilitis, and emotional impairments, including depression and anxiety. We were able to successfully help the claimant gather additional medical evidence and prove to the State of Maryland that she was unable to perform the duties of her position as a result of her medical condition.

Two Clients with MS Awarded Ordinary Disability Retirement Benefits from State of Maryland

Represented by Attorney Michelle Amick Prikhodko and Elliott Andalman, two claimants suffering from the effects of Multiple Sclerosis including gait instability, muscular weakness, loss of eyesight and cognitive difficulty, were awarded ordinary disability retirement benefits from the State Retirement Agency.

Client Suffering From Depression Awarded An Ordinary Disability Retirement  from the State Retirement and Pension System

After applying on her own, a former Administrator for the Department of Public Safety was denied an ordinary disability retirement from the State Retirement and Pension System of Maryland. Attorney Michelle Amick Prikhodko was able to successfully appeal the denial decision and the client’s claim was awarded on reconsideration. The claimant suffered from debilitating depression.

Teacher Suffering from a Panic Disorder Awarded Ordinary Disability Retirement Benefits

Represented by Attorney Michelle Amick Prikhodko, a public school teacher suffering from a panic disorder was awarded an ordinary disability retirement benefit as a result of his condition.

Construction Worker with Torn Meniscus in his Knee Awarded Accidental Disability Retirement Benefits From the State of Maryland

Represented by attorney Elliott Andalman, a construction worker employed by the State of Maryland was awarded an accidental disability retirement after suffering a serious knee injury on the job.  Mr. Andalman represented the client first in a trial before an Administrative Law Judge, and then in a successful appeal to the Board of Trustees. The decision of the Administrative Law Judge was overturned and the client was awarded benefits by the Board of Trustees.