Elliott Andalman assembled and moderated a half day seminar on Social Security Disability (SSD) law on Friday, January 27, 2017. The seminar was sponsored by the Disability Benefits Section of the Maryland Association for Justice. Elliott was assisted by his co-chair, Curtis Cooper and the staff at MAJ. The whole 8 member disability team from Andalman and Flynn attended the seminar, which was sold out. The seminar featured five experienced attorneys, a vocational expert and two Administrative Law Judges. In addition, Peter Casciano contributed a paper analyzing newly issued regulations from the Social Security Administration as well as the Department of Labor on disability claims. The speakers provided insight into how to assist clients in winning disability benefit claims. Unfortunately, the statistics reveal that claimants are having to wait longer to get decisions and that claimants are winning fewer of these claims. For example, award rates from the Administrative Law Judges on these claims are down about 18 percent over the last six years.