How to Move Forward Emotionally After a Divorce
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Keys to Moving Forward Emotionally After a Divorce

Jun 28, 2016 | Divorce Law, Family Law

By: Amanda Vann, Esq.


Divorce is an emotionally difficult situation for everyone. The end of a significant relationship is never easy to cope with. Some people take longer to adjust to their life as a newly divorced party and some people take a shorter amount of time. The important thing to remember when coping with divorce is to take time for yourself.

Post-Divorce Advice

Coping With Grief

No one expects their marriage to end in a divorce as soon as it starts; no one is ever truly prepared to go through the grueling process of divorce. So when it happens to anyone the process can be daunting. Once the divorce is finalized, it’s natural to want to grieve over the loss of a significant relationship, so allow time to do exactly that. During the actual divorce process your emotions can be all over the grid from sad to mad to frustrated and overwhelmed. Generally, there tends to be so many issues to address during the divorce that you won’t have time to dedicate to yourself to close the door on this chapter of your life and truly move on until after your divorce is finalized. But, keep in mind that you should take the time you need to reach the end goal of putting the relationship in the past and moving forward.

Coping with the grief can be difficult, but there are very easy ways to deal with it and move on from it a little at a time. One of the easiest ways to cope with grief is to prioritize things in your everyday life. Setting goals can help you figure out where you want to be after the divorce, so that you can work towards those goals every day. Establishing new routines and getting back to the things that you love to do that you may have put on hold during your marriage are always good focus points. Another simple way to cope with the grief of divorce is to let your feelings out. Simply talking about it—either with a friend, a family member, or even a therapist—or writing about it in a journal can help relieve the stress of dealing with the post-divorce process of establishing a lifestyle as a single person. Remember that grieving is a natural human emotion, but don’t dwell on the negative feelings of grief, try to focus on the positive aspects in your new life.

Take Time for Yourself

It is extremely important take time for yourself after the divorce and acclimate to your new life.
Things will be different—but in a good way. For newly single parents with kids, remember that as much as you are trying to help your kids adjust to their new situation, taking care of yourself is essential as well. Whether it be taking the time to read a favorite book, going for a walk, or treating yourself to a massage or a nice vacation, taking time out to heal and recuperate as a parent will help you get your kids through this time as well. Also, as a newly single parent it could be a time for self-exploration; don’t be afraid to pick up old hobbies or try new things. Post-divorce life is all about creating a new experiences and leaving the grief behind.

Divorce, Custody & Family Law in Maryland

With offices in Silver Spring and Rockville, MD, Andalman & Flynn offers legal representation to divorce clients in Montgomery County as well as in Prince George’s and Howard counties. We know how complex and sensitive matters involving divorce and children can be, and we want to make sure your children’s best interests are well taken care of as they begin a new way of life.

We can assist you in resolving your divorce and resulting legal matters in court or through alternative means of resolution. Contact us today.

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