How to Calculate Child Support Health Insurance in Maryland
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Health Insurance Costs in Child Support Calculation Clarified

Mar 27, 2018 | Child Support

When calculating a child support obligation under the Maryland child support guidelines, the actual cost of providing health insurance coverage for a child is included in the calculation. Until October 1, 2017, there was ambiguity in the law regarding whether the cost of additional insurances provided for the benefit of a child including dental insurance or vision insurance would be included. Until October 1, 2017, courts around the state were not acting uniformly regarding the insurance costs to be included when calculating child support.

On October 1, 2017, new law passed by Maryland’s General Assembly went into effect and defined health insurance to include medical insurance, dental insurance, prescription drug coverage, and vision insurance. With this change, the calculation of child support under the Maryland child support guidelines will now reflect consistency as jurisdictions across the state have greater clarity from the legislature regarding which insurance costs to include.

Contact the divorce attorneys at Andalman & Flynn for help in calculating child support in Maryland. Our experienced family law lawyers are familiar with calculating support. Contact us today to set up a consultation.

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