Mary Ellen Flynn – Publications
Mary Ellen Flynn

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- Author, Getting Paid, American Journal of Family Law, (in press for early 2010)
- Author, President’s Message, The Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland Newsletter, 11 Columns for Monthly Issues, June 2007 – May 2008
- Contributor, Fees: The Fine Art of Setting, Contracting & Collecting—Without Being Sued or Grieved, MICPEL, 2005.
- Author, Getting Paid for the Work You Do, The Law Clerk (a publication of the MSBA), appearing in parts over three of the four newsletters in 2004.
- Author, Petition for Relief from Domestic Violence, Practice Tips, The Law Clerk (a publication of the Maryland State Bar Association), Spring 1999.
- Author, The Bad Check Law is Back! (Did you know it was missing?), The Law Clerk (a publication of the Maryland State Bar Association), Winter 1998.
- Contributor, Legal Column, Montgomery County Journal, 1993-1995.
- Co-Author, Demonstrating in the District of Columbia; A Handbook for Demonstrators and Lawyers(District of Columbia Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild), 1991.
- Author, What Gender is Your Parachute, Newsletter of Women’s Bar Association of Maryland, 1992.