Speaker, “Getting Paid for the Work You Do: How to Increase Your Income from Domestic Relations Cases,” American Bar Association Section of Family Law and the ABA Center for Continuing Legal Education, Teleconference/Live Audio Webcast Program, November 18, 2009
Speaker, “Collections: The Pursuit and Defense of Claims,” Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland, New Practitioner’s Nuts and Bolts CLE. November 4, 2009
Speaker, “Getting Paid for the Work You Do: How to Increase Your Income from Domestic Relations Cases,” ABA Family Law Section, 2009 Annual Conference, April 24, 2009
Featured Speaker, “How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too,” Montgomery County Chapter of the Maryland Women’s Bar Association, May 30, 2007
Speaker, Bar Admission Ceremony of New Maryland Attorneys, Court of Appeals, Maryland, December 11, 2006
Panelist, “Fees: The Fine Art of Setting, Contracting & Collecting—Without Being Sued or Grieved,” MICPEL, November 18, 2005
Speaker, “Getting Paid For the Work You Do,” MSBA Solo and Small Firm Conference, November 5, 2005
Panelist and Moderator, “Collect Your Fees Without Getting Burned,” MSBA Annual Convention in Ocean City, June 19, 2004
Speaker, “Collections and Law Firm Management,” Gary Simpson Memorial CLE Seminar, January 2003
Guest Lecturer, “Finding the Money and Other Collections Tips,” Marlboro Inns of Court, November 2001
Guest Lecturer, Montgomery County Attorney’s Office Debt Collection Retreat. June 2001
Speaker, “Hanging out your Shingle,” Maryland State Bar Association Conference, January 1999
Speaker, “How to PDA,” MSBA Annual Convention in Ocean City, June 17, 2000
Guest Lecturer, “Family Law,” Montgomery Community College, Summer 2001
Panelist with the Honorable Patrick Woodward, “Law School for the Public,” Montgomery County Cable TV, 1999
Speaker, “Creating and Maintaining a Law Firm,” Annual Meeting of the Women’s Bar Association of Maryland, May 1999
Speaker, American Collectors Association Dinner, October 1997
Moderator, “Judicial Selections Process,” Circuit Court for Montgomery County, MD (1995)
Panelist, “Providing Effective Legal Representation to Demonstrators,” American University (1991)
Speaker, numerous times for Montgomery County Public School System, rotary clubs, homeowners associations and other civic organizations