Elliott Andalman lobbied Congress on May 15, 2013, on behalf of social security disability claimants in an effort co-ordinated by the National Organization of Social Security Disability Claimant Representatives (NOSSCR). Elliott met with Legislative Assistants of Maryland Representatives Chris Van Hollen and Donna Edwards. The purpose of the meetings were to educate our representatives on what an important safety net the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program is, explain how the program works, and to defend the program from charges coming from the right that the program should be cut. It is important to remember that disability does not discriminate and that essentially all working Americans between the ages of 17 and 66 are protected by this program which workers pay taxes into which act like an insurance premium. Benefits are available to those who by accidental injury or illness lose the ability to earn a living for at least 12 consecutive months.