Applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can be a confusing and lengthy process. Applicants are required to complete both a Work History and Function Report.
The Work History and Function Reports are critical pieces of the application procedure, and accurately completing them is critical to the success of your application.
- The Work History Report asks claimants to answer questions regarding the work they have done in the last 15 years. Claimants will be asked how much they lifted, carried, walked, and sat during an 8-hour day. They will also be asked about the kind of equipment they used and whether they managed other employees.
- The Function Report asks claimants to describe their daily activities and the impact their illness has on their ability to perform work-like tasks.
In completing these forms, it is important to answer accurately and with sufficient detail. It is important to describe the claimant’s medical symptoms and their effect on the claimant’s ability to work and perform routine activities of daily living.
An experienced SSD attorney can help you craft your answers in order to create the strongest disability application possible. If you have any questions about the Statement of Disability or need help applying for Social Security Disability benefits, please contact us
We have significant experience representing clients seeking disability benefits. For more information and how you may be impacted, contact one of our Disability Benefits attorneys, Elliott Andalman and Peter Casciano.