State of Maryland retirees and beneficiaries covered under the state’s retirement and pension system will receive a 1.465 percent Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) beginning July 2014. The full COLA should be reflected in the July 31, 2014 payment to eligible retirees.
Most retirees from legislative or judicial agencies are not eligible to receive the COLA, as they receive different adjustments based on increases to active agency members. Members of the system who retired after July 1, 2013 are not eligible for a COLA until they have been retired one full year as of July 1.
Read more about the State of Maryland’s COLA or give us a call if you’re seeking legal representation on any matters related to the Maryland State Retirement System (SRS).
We have significant experience representing clients seeking disability benefits. For more information and how you may be impacted, contact one of our Disability Benefits attorneys, Elliott Andalman and Peter Casciano.