At Andalman & Flynn, we understand that Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is a diagnosis that can be greatly misunderstood by those around you.
If you are struggling from symptoms caused by Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and need to file a disability benefits claim, contact us to speak with an experienced disability benefits lawyer on our team, and we’ll do everything we can to maximize your chances of success.
What Is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is a chronic pain condition that typically impacts one or more of your extremities. It typically occurs after an experience of physical trauma, injury, stroke, or heart attack. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome often presents itself in pain that is disproportionate to the nature of your injury.
Common symptoms include:
- Continuous burning or throbbing pain
- Sensitivity to touch or changes in temperature
- Swelling
- Changes in skin temperatures, color, and texture
- Changes in hair and nail growth
- Joint stiffness
- Muscle spasms
- Tremors
- Limited ability to move or rotate the affected area
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome presents itself in two forms. The first is Type 1 which is called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, which occurs after an injury that doesn’t directly damage surrounding nerves. Most people with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome suffer from Type 1. Type 2 features similar symptoms to Type 1, but also tends to include a nerve injury.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome can be difficult to diagnose. Often a combination of scans need to be done to confirm this diagnosis, including a bone scan, sweat production tests, X-Rays, and MRIs. While there is no cure for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, a typical treatment plan will be implemented to help mitigate your symptoms. Your doctor may prescribe pain relievers, antidepressants and anticonvulsants, corticosteroids, bone-loss medications, nerve-block medications, or blood pressure medications. Your doctor may also order various therapies, including heart therapy, topical analgesics, physical or occupational therapy, mirror therapy, TENS electrical nerve stimulation, biofeedback techniques, spinal cord stimulation, or even intrathecal drug pumps.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Disability
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome can significantly impact your daily functioning, depending on the extent of your pain, including your ability to sit, stand, walk, lift, carry, push, and pull for a prolonged period of time. If you are struggling to perform these tasks at work, you may want to consider filing a claim for disability benefits.
Consult with Experienced Disability Benefits Lawyers
If you suffer from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and it has made you unable to perform your work duties, contact Andalman & Flynn. Our disability benefits attorneys are experienced in representing individuals throughout the country who are struggling with this difficult condition. We offer initial consultations free of charge to our disability clients.
If you are interested in setting up a meeting with one of our experienced disability benefits lawyers, either in person or by phone, please fill out an online contact form or call us at 301-563-6685.