Client Testimonial – Speed, Experience, and Results
To the prospective clients of Andalman & Flynn:
Within 3 months after filing my application with the Office of Personnel Management, the Andalman & Flynn Law Firm got me approved for disability retirement from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as a career Federal Bank Examiner employee with over 20+ years of dedicated public service. They have the experience, knowledge, skill, and ability to get the job done right the first time. I am very satisfied with the work they did and continue to do for me. I could not have done this without Mr. Andalman’s superb legal expertise or Ms. Zubaidah Haamid‘s outstanding professionalism and can do attitude. They were always there for me. I will always be eternally grateful to both of them.
In summary, I highly recommend the Andalman & Flynn Law Firm and their tremendous legal team to any federal employee who is seeking federal disability retirement benefits.
My kindest and sincerest regards always,
Andrew T. (Andy) Scotchlas, Stroudsburg, PA
Former FDIC Examiner-Information Technology
and Executive Board Member
Executive Vice President
Union Representative/Steward
National Treasury Employees’ Union – Chapter 244