My son David Andalman’s first feature film, American Milkshake, premiered this week with a limited theatrical release in New York City and Los Angeles. As of Sept. 6, 2013, you can get it on iTunes, Comcast, and possibly other Video on Demand outlets as well. We hear it will also show briefly later this month in New Orleans and Columbus, OH. And there is still hope for a DC-area screening—please stay tuned!
This has been quite the family saga that involved a month-long shoot in Takoma Park last summer, with our house as guerilla-filmmaking central; the Sundance Film Festival premiere in January; the movie’s pickup by a distributor; and now, the release. Last Wednesday, it was praised by a Washington Post reporter in a front page feature story as well.
We deeply appreciate the support and encouragement that my law office and many friends and neighbors have provided to David and your ability to graciously tolerate my wife, Martha, and I talking about it ceaselessly for many months. We promise to shut up about it as soon as we can manage!
Until then, you can watch the American Milkshake trailer here and, of course, you can follow the film on Facebook too.