Elliott Andalman, who is chair of the Disability Benefits Section of the Maryland trial lawyers (Maryland Association for Justice), participated in the Association’s Justice Day on Tuesday, February 13, 2018, at the Maryland Legislature in Annapolis. Over 50 trial lawyers participated in talking to legislators about civil justice issues that are involved in bills under consideration. The issues this year include protecting the right to a jury trial for birth-injured children, increasing the limit on damages that can be awarded in medical malpractice cases in which the patient dies, improving worker compensation benefits for correctional officers, and stopping the inappropriate use of granting civil and criminal immunity. Elliott spoke to Senator Will Smith and Representatives Kathleen Dumais and Jeff Waldstreicher, all from Montgomery County. Elliott was also pleased to be present today for the signing into law of a bill that prevents rapists from claiming visitation and custody rights of children born from the rape.
Learn more about Elliott’s work here.