Supporting Destitute Adult Children in Maryland | MD Child Support Lawyers | Andalman & Flynn Law Firm
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Supporting Destitute Adult Children in Maryland

Apr 21, 2017 | Family Law

Are you concerned about providing support for an adult child? The child support attorneys at Andalman & Flynn can assist you with understanding your rights and obligations as well as the rights and obligations of the other parent regarding the support of a destitute adult child.

Keep reading below to learn more about supporting destitute adult children in Maryland. If you need assistance with a child support matter, don’t hesitate to contact Andalman & Flynn today.

What Does “Destitute Adult Child” Mean?

“Destitute adult child” means an adult child who has no means of subsistence and cannot be self-supporting, due to mental or physical infirmity. “No means of subsistence” includes individuals whose reasonable living expenses exceed their financial resources. Maryland law requires parents with sufficient means to provide a destitute adult child with food, shelter, care, and clothing.

Absent an agreement, the amount of support to be provided by parents for a destitute adult child will be determined by the court. The court will calculate support after consideration of the destitute adult child’s financial circumstances. Unless otherwise modified, support will continue until the destitute adult child has other means of adequate support or dies. The court in Maryland may penalize a parent who fails to support an adult destitute child.

If an adult child is receiving benefits including public benefits, disability benefits, or retirement benefits, the value of the benefits can be considered in calculating support. In certain circumstances, the receipt of child support may jeopardize an adult child’s receipt of benefits. It is important to manage the child support process and proceedings so that a destitute  adult child’s eligibility for benefits is not jeopardized.

Contact Our Child Support Lawyers in Maryland Today

Our experienced child support lawyers at Andalman & Flynn are familiar with matters involving the support of adult destitute children in Maryland. Whether you are seeking support for an adult destitute child, are defending a claim for the support of an adult child, or are interested in ensuring that your adult child’s benefits are preserved, contact us for help. Contact us online today for help obtaining, defending, or managing claims for the support of an adult child. For a consultation, call (301) 563-6685, or toll-free at 1-888-558-7871.

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