Elliott Andalman and Peter Casciano helped provide content and insight into the phenomenal resource recently published by The National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society
This Guidebook for Private Disability Insurance Claims is full of great information for those suffering from MS that may have questions about stopping work or have already stopped. Peter and Elliott helped create a symptom tracker, disability benefit universal form, the robust question and answer section, and many more helpful tools located in the Guidebook: https://nmsscdn.azureedge.net/NationalMSSociety/media/MSNationalFiles/Brochures/Guidebook-Private-Disability-Insurance-Claims-A-Guide-for-People-with-MS.pdf
Our goal was to help the National MS Society produce a resource that packs helpful information into one place. Our sincere wish that this document will help many folks with MS who are struggling with questions regarding disability benefits. One aspect of the Guidebook we are particularly proud of is the resources provided to treatment providers for MS patients. We wanted to help the physicians and information that will make their job of treating patients with disability claims a little easier. Please download and share the Guidebook with those who need it!